Massage and Visionary Healing Bodywork
Heal Your Body- Clear Your Mind- Open Your Heart
During a visionary healing bodywork and massage session with Polly, clients can expect a safe and peaceful environment specifically designed to promote healing and well-being. The session will begin with a brief consultation to discuss any specific concerns, areas of focus, to communicate needs, goals, desires, and set specific intentions. Depending upon the nature of the session, unwinding movement may occur, you may experience emotional release, or you may fall into a deep meditative state. The session may include any of the modalities of healing listed or you can request the specific work you would like to receive. Throughout the session, clients are encouraged to communicate any needs that will encourage feeling deeply heard and seen and touched. Wear or bring loose comfortable clothes for Craniosacral Work or Movement Therapy.
“Let no one come to you without being a better person...”
By appointment (530) 412-0774
60 Minute session- $120
90 Minute session- $160
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Venmo and PayPal Accepted
Visionary Craniosacral Work®
Visionary Craniosacral Work® (VCW) is a soothing, noninvasive, hands-on therapy that combines sensitive hands on bodywork with meditative use of the inner eye and inner ear. It honors both the analytic understanding of how things happen and the intuitive perception of how things really are.
The craniosacral system includes the brain, the cerebrospinal fluid, the system of membranes inside the cranium, all 22 cranial bones, the spine and the sacrum. VCW is not limited to those areas, nor is it limited to the physical.
A visionary knows how to touch a client with precise and gentle contacts that help the client feel more aligned, and more at home in themselves. Sometimes, by touching just the right place in just the right way, a visionary can help the client understand what troubles them, and what they need to reclaim their equanimity, and their place in life. Such work can also help the client access and release their healing potential.
VCW may help with symptoms of chronic back and neck pain, TMJ dysfunction, migraine and tension headaches, whiplash injury, sinusitis, chronic fatigue, depression, exhaustion, insomnia, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, and stress-related illness. Receiving cranial work can be used as a tool for personal and spiritual growth. The meditative states that are encountered are ideal for exploring deeper realms of who we are. The use of this work may be appropriate for people working through addictions or challenging life transitions, desiring a deeper contact with their emotional body, and/or seeking greater understanding of their spiritual self.
Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)
Stress is our natural response to a threat. For humans, threats may be actual or imagined worries and fears. When we feel threatened our brain releases hormones alerting the body to shut down our immune system, our digestive system, our muscular system and our ability to think logically. It's a short term survival strategy that does not serve us on a long term basis. Most of us are marinating in cortisol (stress hormone) because of perceived threats and general stress. This is very corrosive to our immunity and systemic health. EFT eliminates stress by turning off the brain's reaction to specific problems. By reducing stress, EFT may boost intelligence, resilience and our overall perception of the world around us.
Tapping communicates directly with the energy body where shifts can happen rapidly. Disruptions in our energy system are reflected as unresolved traumas and unexpressed emotions. Emotion means 'energy in motion' and emotions are meant to flow through our body and be released. Tapping tells the brain that it is safe to let them go. We use the fingertips to stimulate energy points on the body. The process starts with a beginning statement of what the problem or feeling is and includes a complete acceptance and acknowledgement of the problem. EFT works by tapping away disruptions in the body's energy system.
Learning EFT also empowers you to take charge of handling your own emotional state because you can tap on a feeling any time you want to move out a painful emotion or belief pattern.
The Feldenkrais Method®
Developed by Russian-born Israeli educator Moshe Feldenkrais, this method establishes new connections between the brain and body through movement reeducation. One of two formats of instruction is used: awareness through movement and functional integration. In the one-on-one functional integration session, a teacher uses hands-on manipulation to guide the student toward new movement patterns. Awareness through movement classes are group sessions in which the teacher verbally guides students through repatterning. Feldenkrais proposed that nearly our entire spectrum of movement is learned during our first few years of life, but that these movements represent a mere 5 percent of all possibilities available to us. Habituated responses to problem areas in our lives are ingrained in our movement patterns. By retraining the central nervous system through the skeletal system, old patterns are eliminated and replaced with new skills that improve the physical, mental, and emotional functioning of the body. In this way, unconscious movement is brought into conscious awareness where it may be used as a tool for opening the human potential.
Sports Massage
Sports massage is designed to enhance athletic performance and recovery. There are three contexts in which sports massage can be useful to an athlete: pre-event, post-event, and injury treatment. Pre-event massage is delivered at the performance site, usually with the athlete fully clothed. Fast-paced and stimulating, it helps to establish blood flow and to warm up muscles. During the massage, the athlete generally focuses on visualizing the upcoming event. Post-event massage is also delivered on site, through the clothes. The intent here is to calm the nervous system and begin the process of flushing toxins and waste products out of the body. Post-event massage can reduce recovery time, enabling an athlete to resume training much sooner than rest alone would allow. When an athlete sustains an injury, skillful massage therapy can often speed and improve the quality of healing.
Therapuetic Massage
Therapeutic massage involves the manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, and stress; and, to promote health and wellness.
Massage therapy improves functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic, muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems and may improve the rate at which the body recovers from injury and illness. Massage involves holding, causing movement of soft tissue, and/or applying pressure to the body.
Pregnancy Massage
Many methods of massage and somatic therapies are both effective and safe prenatally and during labor and postpartum periods of women’s pregnancies. Prenatally, specific techniques can reduce pregnancy discomforts and concerns and enhance the physiological and emotional well-being of both mother and fetus. Skilled, appropriate touch facilitates labor, shortening labor times and easing pain and anxiety. In the postpartum period, specialized techniques rebalance structure, physiology, and emotions of the new mother and may help her to bond with and care for her infant.
Swedish Massage
One of the most commonly taught and well-known massage techniques, Swedish massage is a vigorous system of treatment designed to energize the body by stimulating circulation. Five basic strokes, all flowing toward the heart, are used to manipulate the soft tissues of the body. The disrobed client is covered by a sheet, with only the area being worked on exposed. Therapists use a combination of kneading, rolling, vibrational, percussive, and tapping movements, with the application of oil, to reduce friction on the skin. The many benefits of Swedish massage may include generalized relaxation, dissolution of scar tissue adhesions, and improved circulation, which may speed healing and reduce swelling from injury.
Reiki healing is a hands-on energy healing art. It was originated in Japan in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui, who had a life-changing experience of light and energy that he recognized as reiki--sacred life force--and that awakened his innate healing abilities. He developed a system of practices that enabled others to become effective healers. In a reiki healing session, the practitioner, trained to access and serve as a channel for the life force (ki or chi), places her hands on or just above the client’s body in order to activate healing energy within receptive points on the body. The practitioner’s hands move progressively with a passive touch through twelve positions on the body, remaining in each position for three to five minutes. As a harmonic flow of energy is strengthened, within the client and practitioner, healing occurs through the return of physical, mental, and spiritual balance.
Neuromuscular Therapy
This comprehensive program of soft-tissue manipulation balances the body’s central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system. Based on neurological laws that explain how the central nervous system initiates and maintains pain, the goal is to help relieve the pain and dysfunction by understanding and alleviating the underlying cause. Neuromuscular therapy can help individuals who experience distortion and biomechanical dysfunction, which is often a symptom of a deeper problem. It is also used to locate and release spasms and hypercontraction in the tissue, eliminate trigger points that cause referred pain, rebuild the strength of injured tissues, assist venous and lymphatic flow, and restore postural alignment, proper biomechanics, and flexibility to the tissues.
The use of essential oils (extracted from herbs, flowers, resin, woods, and roots) in body and skin care treatments is known as aromatherapy. Used as a healing technique for thousands of years by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, essential oils aid in relaxation, improve circulation, and help the healing of wounds. Aromatherapy diffusers are utilized to fill the massage room with the scent of the oils. Specific essential oils are blended by the aromatherapist and added to a carrier oil, such as almond oil, to be used during the massage. Each oil has its own unique characteristics and benefits. Polly has been using Young Living Essential Oils for over 25 years and allows the frequency of the oils to guide their use and application.